Cordelia Road on eastside of Nelson Hill looking north
Nelson Hill - workbench in old machine shop
View from Cordelia's Nelson Hill looking wast over city water tank
The Cordelia Winery located east of Cordelia along railroad track near foot of Nelson'd Hill..
Cook shack working with crew on Hoyt Ranch, Montezuma Hills, circa 1900. See also WY106
Herman Heckworth's harvestor in the Montezuma Hills, circa 1915
Nelson Hill - U machine overhead pulleys
Cordelia-Nelson Quarry - Quarry crew at Bridgeport Hill, now Nelson Hill, Cordelia ca. 1880-L to R: Last 3 men in top row-Claus Dittmer, Henry Goosen, Alex Erickson; Standin figure in front row is William Nickels; all others unknown..
Jerry Bowen Collectioniew from machine shop toward hoist building on Nelson Hill
Herman Heckworth's harvestor in the Montezuma Hills, circa 1915 - Same team as in view A, 34 head of horses, five spans of six abreast plus four in the lead. Owned by John McCormack and Edward A. Young..