The Montezuma I and II project area lies in the western portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, for the most part in the area known as the Montezuma Hills. The principal purpose of this research effort has been to provide PG E with information which would have allowed the company to complete requirements for Application For Certification to the California Energy Commission. The cultural resources investigation is considered part of the broad environmental review process necessary under CEC guidelines..
Pioneer Sullivan's Steam Tractor and combine harvestor, circa 1895-1900. Pioneer pulling one of the first combined harvestors in the Rio Vista, California area..
Enlarged View north of the 1846 Hastings adobe known as the Montezuma Adobe, also known as the Stratton House; circa 1962 (WY-108A)
View north of the 1846 Hastings adobe known as the Montezuma Adobe, also known as the Stratton House; circa 1962
Picture of Edward Alley Young
Girl drummers leading parade; circa 1935