Cover of Elmira Volunteer Fire Dept. Home Protection manual. Picture of 3rd fire house built in Elmira
Old Samuels house near top of Blue Ridge (Mt. Vaca). E. J. [...]
Living room of Mrs. E. P. Buckingham [...]
Collinsville - Remains of old homes in 1971 by D. Owens..
Lewis Pierce arrived early in 11851. Built home on Suisun Creek in 1870's. Lewis Pierce Jr married Aline Mary Ford in 1903, Aline Mary Ford born 9/14/1883, died at 109..
L to R - Greely Hilborn, US Congressman, Vallejo, Ca, (Father of Grace). Augusta, E. P. Hilborn, Sr [...]
Henry Hamel home "as was." Built in 1859 by Fred Weiiner. Picture taken in 1886. GeorgeF. Hamel leaning on porch pillar. [...]