Cordelia Brass Band L to R - Billy Capell; Back: #5 Larry Higinson, #9 Henry Seibe, #10 Peter Siebe Jr.; Front: #3 Julius Glashoff, #4 Chris Dunker, #5 Henry Meyer, #7 Frenchie Collins (snare Drummer)..
Vacaville-Main St. looking East. Bldg to right is Reporter, Ice Cream and then Candy Store. Post Office in Triangle bldg..
Suisun, California - West side of Main Street, showing the Post office in the Odd Fellows Building before the fire of 1888. The two store hotel on the right later became of Arlington and a third story was added..
Cordelia Brass Band. L to R - Bass drummer-Billy Capell; Back row-5 Larry Higinson, 9 Henry Seibe, 10 Peter Siebe Jr. Front row-3 Julius Glassoff, Reader, 4 Chris Dunker, 5 Henry Meyer, 7 Frenchie Collins, snare drummer
Cordelia - On back is written Moiles Hotel or McNaughton but posts do not match those on WY-083. Possibly the Pittman Hotel???
Vacaville Pffice staff. (L to R) Mr. Voyt (rural), Mr. R. [...]
Dr. LeRoy Towson-Dentist upstairs; Dr. Palmer's office upstairs; L.M. Miller Drug Store downstairs; First National Bank downstairs; Post Office downstairs
Texas Street, Fairfield, CA. Goosen's Hardware, Drug Store, Dry Goods Store, Capitol Hotel, Post Office and Court House on north side of street. Dry Goods store on south side..
Saloon and Meat Market, Cordelia. L to R - 4. Matt Glassoff (Butcher saw in hand), 5 John Glassoff (in butcher apron by post)
Cordelia House - Saloon and Meat Market. L to R-4 Mat Glassoff (Butcher saw in hand); John Glassoff (in butcher apron by post)