Pierce Home, Suisun Valley, Rockville Road. View of west side - two ladies on front porch. (Large Glass Plate 5 x 7) WY126 = See also 2358 and 2358H
May Day parade float - year 1914, Dixon, Ca..
Dixon parade float - Year 1910
Dixon parade float
Vallejo - 8 x 10 glass plate. Two little girls and Christmas Tree
Vallejo - 8 x 10 glass plate. three buildins on corner. Flag on corner building..
Vallejo - 8 x 10 glass plate. Mare Island Naval Officers
Vallejo - 8 x 10 glass plate. Same as 3080, only reversed. Mare Island drydock - dedication of ship. Several national flags draped
Group of people in front of horse-drawn street car..