Poetacrd photo of "new" Vacaville Hotel-Postcard dated Vacaville, July 12, 1921`, sent to Mrs. M. R. Dobbins, 67 Alpine Terr., San Francisco..
Suisun Valley School, Fairfield, California
California St., Suisun
Sulphur Springs Hotel, Vallejo, California
Suisun, California - West side of Main Street, showing the Post office in the Odd Fellows Building before the fire of 1888. The two store hotel on the right later became of Arlington and a third story was added..
Suisun Plaza with Hotel Arlington to the left..
Showing Mexican Grants, United States Government, Swamp Land Surveys, Present Private Land Ownership, Roads and Railroads. Compiled by County Surveyor E.N. Eager. Colored by E.M. Sleator. Approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 7, 1890. [...]
Shows roads, railways, towns, drainage, township and range, and ranchos. Blueline - county borders hand colored..
Lake County, California - Siegler Hotel circa 1910
Suisun Plazs with Arlington and Union Hotels