Cordelia - Peter Siebe and; Co. Store..
Cordelia - Left to Rtight - Cordelia Post Office with barber shop and Peter Siebe's Store..
Depot and street scene Cordelia with Siebe store
Old Peter Siebe orchard in Green Valley, about 3 miles NW of Cordelia. Looking West towards Twin Brothers Hills..
Cordelia - Pete "Buddy" Siebe in front of the store..
Post Office, Depot and Siebe and Co. at Cordelia
Former Peter Siebe Vineyard in Green Valley looking southeast..
Green Valley, California - Beneath the giant fig trees at Peter L. Siebes house..
Cordelia Brass Band L to R - Billy Capell; Back: #5 Larry Higinson, #9 Henry Seibe, #10 Peter Siebe Jr.; Front: #3 Julius Glashoff, #4 Chris Dunker, #5 Henry Meyer, #7 Frenchie Collins (snare Drummer)..
Siebe and Company - Top L/R -1. Pete Siebe(hand on post), 4. Mrs. Pete Siebe(hand on post), 8 [...]