Birds Landing Store erected in 1875 by Frank and Dinkelspiel. Town first known as New Jerusalem. John Bird erected a grain warehouse and; wharf on Montezuma Slough in 1869. Bird first postmaster in 1875 and; the village became known as Birds Landing. [...]
Thompson and West - Pg. 28 - Wm. Donnell Ranch - Birds Landing
Cracker Barrel Gang, Birds Landing
UFO at Birds Landing by Steve Shine
Historical atlas map of Solano County, California. Compiled, drawn and published from personal examinations and surveys by Thompson and West. San Francisco, Cala. 1878. Thos. Hunter, Pr. [...]
Bird's Landing - Dinklespiel Store, built in 1862 - undergoing renovation by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamein - started 1988
Blackwelder Mfg. Co. started in this Birds Landing Shop. Bert Blackwelder first came to Benicia and; worked in the Iron Works there, then to Bird's Landing to work for W.T [...]
Fire Dept. drill on Emigh Barn, Apr. 12, 1997 located in Dixon. This drill deprived the Benjamins of using the old wood for the Dinklespiel Store renovation at Bird's Landing, Solano County, CA